New Pocket Animal Merch

New! Short & Long Sleeve T-Shirts, Crew Neck, and Hooded Sweatshirts featuring hand drawn designs by our crew! Shirt critters include: American Eel, Bullhead, Hogchoker, Atlantic Sturgeon, Sea Robin, Blue Crab.

Browse the collection now!

Check out our new Atlantic Sturgeon collection, too!

A Message from One of Our Artists:

“I live on the Hudson River, kayaking, rowing, and fishing on a regular basis. Although I have never caught a sturgeon, I find their history, size, and shape interesting from an artistic point of view. My interest peaked after talking to longtime friend of Clearwater, Chris Bowser, about eels and fish in the Hudson. I was informed that the short nose sturgeon winter by the thousands in the part of the river where I live.

I adapted a version of a sturgeon sailing a boat that I was asked to produce for Clearwater’s Home Port (HRMM) to a sturgeon as the hull with the Clearwater’s mast and boom, and showed Bowser, who shared it with the Clearwater staff. I produced a high res version for Clearwater to use for merch. I hope you all enjoy.” – Brett G.